Six Step One Life #10 - BGirl Data7

Six Step One Life #10 - BGirl Data7

I started dancing in ’95, I was lucky enough to meet B.boys who have always wanted to share their knowledge with me and together we lived not only Breaking but friendship, attitude, a few beers and different points of view. Thanks to them (K-Roboz, Malam, S’Akru, Seddone Tziu Podda, Massimeddu) that I found myself part of Hip Hop. I have not experienced what many people say of that period, where those who had the skillz did not share. On the contrary, word of mouth was enough to be able to find new places and new connections on the floor, I remember having met B.Boy Serio and B.Boy Tim thanks to a telephone number passed by Stand, historical writer of Rome meet through Nat 51, Writer of my first crew SNK, after he became part of the family in all sense. The knowledge of Hip Hop did not stop at the discipline you practice, you were part of everything, crews was the mirrors of that. Inside TRF there was Breakers, Mcs, Writers and DJs, but first of all lifetime friends, like Omar.  Other times you would leave for a jam like Juice having read in a fanzine of the event and after hours of ship and train we found ourselves in Riccione at the Match Music territory, wrong day, city and event but right people, that's where I met B.Boy Angelino and others B.boys of the peninsula. This allowed me to get to know new different styles of Breaking.
For me it is precisely from the Six Step that the evolution of the style and of the personality of a B.Boy or a B.Girl starts, the moves are physical power but the uniqueness that you recognize from the flow that one puts starting from the simple Go Down to Footwork.
I stopped dancing in 2009 (a painful choice) and for quite a while I had a refusal to see people dancing, it made me feel bad, but I have always remained connected to the culture that raised me thanks to friends and the events where you found that attitude.
In 2015 I decided to return to the floor but in a different way. Prama was born by the idea of ​​creating something specific for each B.boy and thanks to Cap and Noccio (as well as Lore who has always supported me) we have brought up the project. Choosing to sponsor young people was a choice made by the way of thinking that is constantly evolving starting from the basics. We grow together.
And here I also found the Six Step applied to Prama. There are 6 essential steps for what i do.

The 1st and the last are the most important. We start from the ideas, it is these that must be realized, they begin to materialize with the drawings. In this phase, the stimulus received by the many B.boy and B.girl who choose how to dress is fundamental. A process of connection and exchange that has given rise to new cuts, new models and new color combinations that otherwise I would never have done. Here at last the different personality of each B.boy and B.girl comes out.

The 2nd is the study of the model. It is difficult to build it in a way that reflects the physique of a B.boy or a B.girl (you are all different), you need to be able to give that fit that enhances not only the body but also, more importantly, the freedom of movement and the fluidity of the dance, in order to enhance the lines that are created on the floor.

The 3rd is always very technical but essential to realize your idea: look for resistant fabrics suitable for spinning, fabrics that do not weigh down the lines, that reflect your style (many ask me to combine them with the shoes they use).

The 4th is the cut. There is no turning back when you start cutting fabrics. The chosen outfit begins to take shape. It is the first material form of the idea that is being realized.

The 5th is sewing. The seams allow you to join many small pieces that taken individually perhaps have no value but, together, create a unique piece. This reflects all of Prama's philosophy: it starts with sharing ideas of different people who achieve one thing. When I sew a shirt designed for a B.boy or a B.girl I remain in a state of suspension, in the sense that after sewing it is just a shirt, it could seem without soul or personality, "in the end it's just a piece of clothing" , I think sometimes. But each time, this state of suspension ends with the last step.

The 6th. Here I do nothing, you close the circle. The cloth arrives at the B.boy or the B.girl, who finally gives him that soul I was looking for. It is not just clothing. Every time I return on the floor thanks to you. From training to contests, I feel the vibrations I haven't felt since 2009.
From the first step to the last there is a single constant that characterizes my work made up of hours and hours of training in the laboratory: sharing with the B.boys and B.girls, if it were not for this it would be just a simple piece of fabric. So THANK YOU!

B.girl Data7

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